This time on Ram Navami, Triveni Sanyog is being formed with the creation of Ravi Pushya Yoga, Sarvarthasiddhi Yoga, and Ravi Yoga. This year on Ramnavami, there will be a 24-hour Ravi Pushya Yoga, which will start from sunrise on Sunday, April 10, and last till sunrise the next day.

\Investing in property or buying new things is considered very auspicious during this period. Let us know that it will be good for you to buy and bring home which things in Triveni Yoga are being made on Ramnavami.

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Silver Elephant

Bring home a small silver elephant in Triveni Yoga being made on Ramnavami. With this, the bad effect of Rahu and Ketu ends.

Along with this, there is progress in the job business of the person. Keeping an elephant keeps peace and happiness and prosperity in the house.

Brass Tortoise

You can also bring a metal tortoise home during this auspicious time. Bringing earthen or wooden turtles into the house is not auspicious.

You can bring a tortoise made of silver, brass, or bronze medal. Keeping it in the north direction eliminates negative energy and brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

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